1. Wood Elf Army is now built to 2500 points for standard Warhammer Fantasy as well as almost ready for 2500/625 games of Storm of Magic!
- Still have to paint up 18 Eternal Guard and put them on magnetic bases (the ones from GF9)
- Still have to assemble the Elven Sorceress on an Owl from coolminiornot:
- Currently working on modifying the Arcane Fulcrums to be more Sylvan in style. i.e. converting the Eternity Stair to a Platform with Trees on it. (I know more trees? wtf)
- Ordering 4 Sabretusks and a Great Stag from GW to put into the SoM army.
- Still have to paint/assemble/base the Owl,Eternal Guard, Sabretusks, Stag, 2 Albion Truthsayers and the Arcane Fulcrums.

2. Beastman Army is now built to 2500 points for the standard Warhammer Fantasy game. They are not ready for Storm of Magic and probably won't be for a long time.
- I still have to paint the entire Beastman army as well as finish up a few conversions.
- I still have to create movement trays, basing schemes, and neat little unit fillers to enhance the look of the army.
- Also had a KILLER game against Daemons 2 weeks ago against my friend Chris. Only lost by 100 vp's and against Daemons - I'll take it! Wish I had thought to record our game. Next go around I am ensuring that my games get recorded in some fashion!
3. Warmachine army has now been collected, assembled and primed to 35 points!
- Still have to paint up the entire army, I've started the Mage Hunter Strike Force already.
- Played my first game with them against Menoth and did quite well. Underestimated the close combat capabilities of the enemy warcaster but oh well.
- Developed some good tactics I think and learned exactly what not to do in Warmachine and Hordes.
4. Hordes army collected to 35 points
- Still have to assemble the 35 points
- Still have to play a game with them once assembled.
5. Collected 1000 points of Dark Eldar for 40k. I've been running a 40k workshop at my local gamestore on Monday nights to teach new players and existing players the game and give pointers on how to enhance the hobby aspect of the game. It's going well - expect updates.
6. The 40k Ard Boyz tournament is next weekend and I'll be competing in that. I know I told myself I wasn't going to compete but man...it's Ard Boyz. I feel it's calling.
Possible List
2500 Pts - Eldar Roster
HQ: Warlock Unit (8#, 515 pts)
1 Eldrad Ulthran, 210 pts ((pp.50-51 & 61 Eldar); Independent Character; Psyker; Doom ; Eldritch Storm ; Fortune ; Guide ; Mind War ; Divination; Ghosthelm; Rune Armour; Runes of Warding; Runes of Witnessing; Spirit Stones; Shuriken Pistol; Witchblade; Staff of Ulthamar)
1 Warlock Unit, 305 pts
1 Warlock ((p.27-28 & p.60 Eldar); Psyker; Destructor ; Fleet; Rune Armour; Shuriken Pistol; Witchblade)
1 Warlock ((p.27-28 & p.60 Eldar); Psyker; Embolden ; Fleet; Rune Armour; Shuriken Pistol; Witchblade)
1 Warlock ((p.27-28 & p.60 Eldar); Psyker; Enhance ; Fleet; Rune Armour; Shuriken Pistol; Witchblade)
1 Warlock ((p.27-28 & p.60 Eldar); Psyker; Destructor ; Fleet; Rune Armour; Shuriken Pistol; Witchblade)
1 Warlock ((p.27-28 & p.60 Eldar); Psyker; Fleet; Rune Armour; Shuriken Pistol; Witchblade)
1 Warlock ((p.27-28 & p.60 Eldar); Psyker; Fleet; Rune Armour; Shuriken Pistol; Witchblade)
1 Wave Serpent ((pp.45 & 63 Eldar); Unit Type: Vehicle (Skimmer, Tank, Fast); Energy Field; Star Engines; TL Shuriken Catapults; TL Shuriken Cannons)
HQ: Yriel, Prince (1#, 155 pts)
1 Yriel, Prince, 155 pts ((pp.52-53 & 61 Eldar); Independent Character; Fleet; Doomed; Master Strategist; Eye of Wraith; Forceshield; The Spear of Twilight; Plasma Grenades)
Troops: Storm Guardians (12#, 250 pts)
10 Storm Guardians, 250 pts ((p.39 & p.64 Eldar); Fleet; Close Combat Weapon; Shuriken Pistol; Flamer x2)
1 Warlock ((p.27-28 & p.60 Eldar); Psyker; Enhance ; Fleet; Rune Armour; Shuriken Pistol; Singing Spear)
1 Wave Serpent ((pp.45 & 63 Eldar); Unit Type: Vehicle (Skimmer, Tank, Fast); Energy Field; Star Engines; TL Shuriken Catapults; TL Shuriken Cannons)
Troops: Storm Guardians (12#, 250 pts)
10 Storm Guardians, 250 pts ((p.39 & p.64 Eldar); Fleet; Close Combat Weapon; Shuriken Pistol; Flamer x2)
1 Warlock ((p.27-28 & p.60 Eldar); Psyker; Enhance ; Fleet; Rune Armour; Shuriken Pistol; Singing Spear)
1 Wave Serpent ((pp.45 & 63 Eldar); Unit Type: Vehicle (Skimmer, Tank, Fast); Energy Field; Star Engines; TL Shuriken Catapults; TL Shuriken Cannons)
Elite: Wraithguard (11#, 399 pts)
10 Wraithguard, 399 pts ((pp.46 & 62 Eldar); Fearless; Wraithsight; Wraithcannon x10)
1 Spiritseer (Warlock) ((p.27-28 & p.60 Eldar); Psyker; Enhance ; Fleet; Spiritseer Upgrade; Rune Armour; Shuriken Pistol; Singing Spear)
Heavy Support: Dark Reapers (5#, 217 pts)
4 Dark Reapers, 217 pts ((pp.34 & 66 Eldar); Reaper Launcher)
1 Dark Reaper Exarch ( Fast Shot ; Missile Launcher)
Heavy Support: War Walker Squadron (3#, 180 pts)
1 War Walker Squadron, 180 pts ((pp.44 & 66 Eldar); Scouts)
1 War Walker (Scatter Laser; Scatter Laser)
1 War Walker (Scatter Laser; Scatter Laser)
1 War Walker (Scatter Laser; Scatter Laser)
Troops: Guardians (12#, 264 pts)
10 Guardians, 264 pts ((p.39 & p.64 Eldar); Fleet; Shuriken Catapult x10)
1 Spiritseer (Warlock) ((p.27-28 & p.60 Eldar); Psyker; Enhance ; Fleet; Spiritseer Upgrade; Rune Armour; Shuriken Pistol; Singing Spear)
1 Weapon Platform (Missile Launcher)
1 Wave Serpent ((pp.45 & 63 Eldar); Unit Type: Vehicle (Skimmer, Tank, Fast); Energy Field; Star Engines; TL Shuriken Catapults; TL Shuriken Cannons)
Troops: Pathfinders (Rangers) (5#, 120 pts)
5 Pathfinders (Rangers), 120 pts ((pp.38 & 64 Eldar); Fleet; Infiltrate; Move Through Cover; Stealth; Ignore Difficult Terrain; Pathfinder Stealth; Scouts; Pathfinders; Shuriken Pistol x5; Ranger Long Rifle)
Heavy Support: Wraithlord (1#, 150 pts)
1 Wraithlord, 150 pts ((pp.47 & 66 Eldar); Unit Type: Monstrous Creature; Fearless; Wraithsight; Flamer x2; Bright Lance; Scatter Laser)
Composition Report:
HQ: 2 (1 - 2)
Elite: 1 (0 - 3)
Troops: 4 (2 - 6)
Fast: 0 (0 - 3)
Heavy: 3 (0 - 3)
Total Roster Cost: 2500
If I do not bring Eldrad and bring a regular Farseer then that also opens up some options - or I could bring the dual seer council again and attempt to overrun and conquer.
We'll see how things work out this week =).