Saturday, April 21, 2012

Tuskgor Chariot and Wargor on Razorgor Chariot

Finally glued the Tuskgor and Razorgor chariot together and attached them to their bases tonight.
Here are some images of the finished product. (I'll add some scorched tufts of grass later)
It bothers me how badly my camera washes out highlights that I spent so much time painting =(.
Perhaps this will prompt me to actually set up the photobox rather than be a lazy slacker who snaps off shots from his desk.



  1. They look great dude. I like the middle chariot, razorgor? The use of the orc boars is well done, they look good in the unit and will look great overall.

  2. Thanks Kuffeh, yeah the middle chariot is serving as the mount for my Wargor wielding the Brass Cleaver. Granted the moment I was "finished" I saw a nice addition on the herdstone that I wish I had done to my chariot involving chaos spawn bits but oh well!

  3. Lovely work. The use of the new Orc boars looks great, much nicer than those nasty old hybrid plastic/metal Tuskgors.

  4. heh thank you Bovineoverlord, it was from your blog that I stole the idea for the chariots in the first place! =D
